Where areas do you deliver to?

We deliver to all areas within Lebanon.

What are your delivery charges?

We offer a flat rate delivery service, $5 anywhere in Lebanon.

Delivery Procedure

When the order has been completed, you will receive an email confirmation that will contain a summary of all items purchased with your delivery address and any notes left for us. If we require any more information, we might contact you directly either via email or telephone (if provided). We suggest you create an account with us as you will be able to keep track of all your orders and will easily be able to reference your order number from the My Account page.

We will usually attempt to deliver your goods the next working day. However, some deliveries can take from less than 24 hours up to 2-3 days so if you have any questions please email us or give us a call and we will provide an update on your order.

We will contact you in advance to arrange a delivery date either by SMS, phone or email. This will also be the primary method of contact for updates on your order.